Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mary Shelley & the novel Essay

More quotes to indulge the reader’s thoughts of negative views for the monster are said by the doctor. ‘I turned loose into world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery ‘. Here Frankenstein says that the monster enjoys evil and gains pleasure from it. This gives a very negative appearance of the creature to the reader as they will think every act which is bad the monster loves it. From all the negative comments which were said by Frankenstein, seems to change the reader’s thoughts at the start of chapter 11. From the beginning of this chapter it clearly shows that the monster is not one to be judged at first sight. He says, ‘I saw, felt, heard, and smelt, at the same time; and it was, indeed, a long time before I learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses’. This speech which the monster says expresses a different light to the novel. He explains how the sense of sight, touch, hearing and smell were a new thing to him and how long it took for him to differentiate between the various senses he possesses. All these qualities fit for another being as well as the monster. A baby will also have these qualities when he/she enters the world for the first time. So this quotation shows how Mary Shelley compares the monster to a new born baby. She has done this because it’s another way to convey that the comments which were made by Frankenstein are just opinions not facts. She also gives the monster a chance to speak for him and tell his side of the story. Another way Mary Shelley presents the monster as a new born baby is when the monster describes his development. ‘I now found that I could wander on at liberty, with no obstacles which I could not either surmount or avoid’. Now the monster describes how freely he can roam around places and how he is able to make his way through solid obstacles showing his improvement of eyesight. Mary Shelley presents the monster like this because she still compares the monster to a new born baby. Like the monster a new born baby would gradually learn how to walk and learn how he/she can see obstacles in their way. Further ways the author compared the monster to a new born baby is when the monster describes him having the same qualities as the baby. He quotes, ‘I felt tormented by hunger and thirst’ and ‘was overcome by sleep’. These two quotes are qualities of a baby. A baby would feel hungry and thirsty most of the time and would feel sleepy during the day and night. These actions the monster also felt. Also in another quotation, the monster describes himself as an infant instead of a baby. This quotation is, ‘In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain’. Here the monster had just found a fire which was left behind and in the cold he decided to make himself warm but seating by it. Overcome by joyful sensations he drove his hands into the flames making the fire extinguish. This shows he’s like an infant because when an infant would make a mistake, the infant would cry and weep. Similarly like an infant the monster made a mistake and cried in a painful manner.

Indra Nooyi †Leadership Style Essay

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi, who is a woman comes from India, she is a manager and leader of PepsiCo Incorporated. At her age of 50, she became the CEO. Leader is a role of a team or organization, the ideas he/she thinks about and the strategy he/she decides will play an important role in a group. In addition, being a successful leader generally needs to have more high requirements, such as the managerial knowledge, communicational skill, creative ability and especially his/her leadership style. There is no doubt that Nooyi can be equal to such a great position today because she not only is equipped with these conditions but also she has an excellent leadership style. According to Darling and Leffel’s (2001) framework, this paper will evaluate how Indra Nooyi develops her leadership style of Analyzer and Director and become a successful as well as effective leader. Kreitner and Kinicki (as cited in Darling & Leffel, 2001, p356) state leadership is a process where on individual guide and assist a group to achieve a common goal. Being a successful leader, he/she should have profound knowledge as well as skills. Additionally, Leadership is distinguished form management and this distinction is crucial. Kotterman (2006) explains that to management is that taking responsibility to accomplish and conduct the tasks as well as target. However, he also states that to lead means to direct and influence by an action as well as opinion. Furthermore, Darling and Leffel (2001) point out that leadership styles can be classified into four types which include Analyzer, Connector, Director and Creator, all of which are various. However, different leaders and styles are required in different situations, which is what Morrison (2000) illustrates that different leadership styles generate different influence and significance on the entrepreneurial spirit. According to Darling and Leffel (2001), by analyzing the four main leadership styles, Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo, could be regarded as an Analyzer. Analyzers generally are system, cautious. Searching information and collecting a large number of data are always required before analyzers performing tasks. Analyzers also are diligent, objective. They always are not emotionally and they can control themselves well. In addition, analyzers generally manage clearly and orderly, when confronting with the bad  situations or major problems they will not easily compromise (Darling & Leffel, 2001). Nooyi is such a type of leadership. In 1994, Nooyi analyzed the market and she found that the growth rate of Fried food and quick meals which are â€Å"unhealthy† food of the restaurant industry gradually developed slowly because people started to focus on healthy eating and nutrition problems. Then, Nooyi decisively proposed to spin out the food and beverage business, split over the canned business at the same time and listed them individually, all of which can reduce the fixed capital and promote the overall influence of PepsiCo (Jagannathan, 2009). Moreover, Nooyi identified the market and recommended that stop in carbonated beverages tend to be saturated market competition environment and open up new fruit drinks market as she considered that promoting healthy food and drink is very significant for building PepsiCo’s brand image. In 1998, Nooyi acquired Tropicana which is fruit juice company brand and product line (Hays, 1998). In addition to a Director style, Nooyi also could be considered as a Director. As Darling and Leffel (2001) explain the style of director is pragmatic; they are clear about their tasks and goals and are able to work steadfastly in accordance with this direction. What is more, they always pay attention to the results. Director is confident and determined; they not only like to accept new challenge but also have the courage to take risks. As a CFO, in 2001, under the direction of Nooyi, Pepsi Company completed the acquisition of Quaker Oats (Quaker Qats) 2002 R & D efforts to develop healthy products and all the products are divided into three categories: the â€Å"beneficial class† (good for you), â€Å"health class† (better for you) and â€Å"fun† (fun for you), as a consequence, PepsiCo’s non-carbonated beverage industry in the world to occupy a market share of 25%, 1.5 times that of the major competitors of Coca-Cola. After Nooyi became CEO of PepsiCo, She began to pay attention to PepsiCo products health and balanced concept through the acquisition and product innovation, further enrich the product line. Specific measures are successfully merger and acquisition Stacy’s Bagel, Pita Chips, Izze carbonated drinks business in North America, there are also including fruit and vegetable juice drinks ( Jagannathan, 2009). Nooyi not only can be considered and regarded as a successful manager but also can be an effective leader. To illustrate Nooyi’s effectiveness,  looking back on the performances that Nooyi achieved, for example, when Nooyi was SVP, due to her strategy measures that are logical, serious and thorough, the profits of sales of the company were grown a lot, which rose from US$ 20,337 million in 1996 to US$ 26,935 million in 2001 (Jagannathan, 2009). What is more, Jagannathan (2009) mentioned that during that period Nooyi as CFO, the growth of sales of the PepsiCo increased from US$ 25,112 million in 2002 to US$ 35,137 million in 2006. Most importantly, with the great efforts of Nooyi, PepsiCo Company has been built up a positive and healthy brand as well as image around the world. In conclusion, by synthesizing the explanation of Darling and Leffel’s (2001) framework, it is obvious that the characters of Nooyi’s Analysis as well as direction are showed extremely well. Those strategies which include the spin-in of food and beverage business, the acquisition of Tropicana as well as Quaker Oats all prove Nooyi has highly keen analysis ability and long-term vision. Undoubtedly, Nooyi plays a curial role in Pepsico Company, without the smart analysis as well as audacious decision of Nooyi, and if Nooyi do not focus on vision as an Analyzer and Director, PepsiCo may not obtain such great achievements. In the future, people believe that Nooyi will develop and strengthen PepsiCo Company more and more efficiently with her â€Å"performance with purpose† strategy. References list Darling, J. & Leffel, A. (2009). Developing the leadership Team in an Entrepreneurial Venture: A case Focusing on the Importance of Styles. _Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship_, 23(3), 355-371. Hays, C. (1998, July 21). Pepsico to pay $3.3 Billion For Tropicana. _The New York Times_, p.1. Retrieved form: Jagannathan, R. (2009). Leadership-The Indra Nooyi Way. _IBS center for management Research_. Retrieved form: Kotterman, J. (2006). Leadership versus management: What ‘s the difference? _The Journal for Quality and Participation_, 29(2), 13-17. Retrieved form: Morrison, J, A. (2000). Developing a Global Leadership Model. _Human Resource Management_, 39(2&3),117-131. Doi: 10.1002/1099-050X

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Book Review of A National Party No More

The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat by Zell Miller In A National Party No More Senator Zell Miller writes a non-fiction book that is something of a memoir of his political life as a lifelong Democrat and as well as being a diatribe against the Democratic Party. In 2002 the Democratic Senator Paul Coverdell from Georgia died suddenly and the Georgia Governor Roy Barnes asked Zell Miller to fill in until November of that year and then to run for the position to serve the time remaining in the late senator's term of office. When Miller went to Washington D.C. he claims that he had hoped that he would find Washington to be â€Å"the place where great issues of the day are debated and solved, and great giants walk those hallowed halls.† Instead he discovered what Washington D.C. was not at all like he had hoped and this angered him â€Å"on behalf of Americans† (Miller 8). In his career Miller has served the State of Georgia as an administrator of a number of â€Å"vital agencies, as an assistant to two governors, as head of the State Democratic Party, as Lieutenant Governor, and then as Governor† (Miller introduction no page number). He also served in the Georgia State Senate from 1965-1969. He failed in his attempts to run for the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia. In addition Miller served in the U.S. Marine Corps and has taught at four different colleges. It is worth noting that the majority of these positions are executive positions not legislative positions so serving as Georgia's United States Senator put him into a relatively unknown form of government where he lacked extensive experience and none on the national level. It appears somewhat incongruous that a marine would be a lifelong Democrat since military personnel currently tend to lean toward the Republican Party. Although Miller served only three years in the Corps it is clear that his experiences affected him greatly because he has written a book Corp Values: Everything You Need to Know I Learned in the Marines.† Miller's book was occasioned by his experiences in the U.S. Senate beginning in 2000, in combination with his advanced age. Miller was born in 1932 according the reverse side of the title page. The book was published in 2003 so Miller was 70 or 71 at the time his book was published. This is certainly not an issue of itself, but one wonders if Miller would make the same claims he had entered the same Senate at the age of forty or fifty. Miller alludes to this when he writes that he has â€Å"arrived at a station in life where I hear the whistle of that moral policeman we all have to answer to . . .† (Miller 1). He takes the occasion to advise â€Å"members of my Democratic Party and other politicians who are so far out of touch with regular Americans to ‘shape up'† (Miller 2). This position, that tacitly assumes he is correct while other party members who disagree with him are wrong, is strongly reminiscent of an elderly gentleman on the brink of retirement who climbs on a soapbox to â€Å"straighten out† the next generation. This is not to say Miller does not make some good points, he just does not prove them nor give the reader sufficient information to determine if Mill is correct. The book suffers significantly because it has no notes, no bibliography and no index. Consequently the reader has no opportunity to check either the statements Miller makes as being either true or false. Many of his claims are supported by anecdotal evidence based on his memory of what happened throughout his career. Miller calls himself a Conservative Democrat, an unusual designation, but not an illogical one. Despite this he is known to have been a supporter of President George W. Bush and announced in 2003 that he would support the Presidents re-election. He spoke at the Republican National Convention in 2004 in support of the President. Such actions hardly indicate a lifelong Democrat. Miller criticizes the Democrat Party because the leaders, he claims, have ignored the opinions of Conservative Democrats in the South, about one-third of the U.S. population, and have told them to â€Å"go to hell† (Miller 9). He appears to assume that all Democrats in the South are Conservative Democrats because he is one and that they all agree with him. He fails to mention the non-conservative Democrats in the South and seems to assume there are none. Miller concludes the Democrat leadership disagrees with Southern Democrats on the critical issues of â€Å"capital punishment, late-term abortion (even with a lot of pro-choice people), trying juveniles as adults, national defense, and the teaching of values in school† (Miller 3). Miller's reasoning process is suspect for a variety of reasons. First, it is not clear that these are the critical issues, at least on a national level. Capital punishment has been left up to the states and should not be regarded as a national issue, as are abortion laws as long as laws do not restrict a woman's right to control of her own body. Trying of juveniles as an adult does not seem to be a national issue either nor should it be. The current system presumes juveniles will not be tried as adults unless there are significant overriding reasons for doing so. The decision of where to try a juvenile is judged on a case-by-case basis which is as it should be. As far as the teaching of values as a national issue, it is clearly an important issue that impacts people throughout the country, but the Federal Government has no basis to determine what values should be taught. Miller seems to have completely forgotten the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution that reserves to the states any powers not delegated to the federal government and not prohibited to the states shall be a state power. It is apparent that many of these critical issues are state issues. National defense clearly is a national issue, but federal taxes, the deficit, Medicare, and Social Security benefits are as well, but Miller doesn't mention these issues. Miller's has a rambling and folksy writing style that slips from story to story and slides from point to point in a chaotic fashion that defies linear analysis. He chooses his anecdotes by cherry picking stories that will reinforce his position even if they are not related to the Democratic Party; on page 145 Miller quotes The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Winston Churchill, and Rodney King on the same page in support of a chapter entitled â€Å"Give to Bigotry No Sanction.† Certainly a case can be made for citing Rodney King, but the other two sources were clearly not written in support of civil rights in the United States. To his credit Miller admits mistakes he has made during his career. He points out that during 1964 he had â€Å"proclaimed that there should be an ‘investigation of Communist infiltration in the civil rights movement.' What an idiot!† (Miller 143). This is remarkably refreshing given the current climate of politicians who consistently hide what they have done and deny they have done it until they are proven to have done it when they will admit and ask for forgiveness. On the other hand this begs the question as to just how much credence one ought to place in the writings of a self-proclaimed idiot. Miller claims that the Democratic Party no longer represents the majority of Americans and has become distinctly too liberal in relation to the United States' population as a whole. This is an interesting position. Miller does not claim the leadership is wrong on issues, just that they disagree with Southern Conservative Democrats such as himself. This leaves the possibility open that the leadership is correct and the membership is wrong, but Miller fails to allow for this possibility. If this proves to be the case, it appears that Miller is advocating that the Democratic Party concern itself, not with the correct solution, but with gaining power again. A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat is largely not successful. His conclusion has merit but his treatment of the issues is inferior. The lack of references is a major weakness that could be easily corrected. Miller's failure to move in a linear, logical fashion in favor of using a disjointed, episodic style greatly reduces the effectiveness of Miller's writing. Rather than being the scathing indictment he hopes to provide that will help the Democratic Party, Miller's book feels more like a farewell by a statesman whose party has evolved while he has not. His gloom and doom predictions for the Democratic Party made in 2004 proved him incorrect since the Democratic once again gained the majority in both houses. Although Miller makes some interesting points that have validity, his book should be read with circumspection. Works Cited Barnes, Fred. â€Å"Zell Miller Endorses Bush.† 29 Nov. 2003. The Daily Standard. 20 April 2007. Miller, Zell. A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat. Atlanta: Stroud and Hall Publishing, 2003. â€Å"Text Of Zell Miller's RNC Speech.†Ã‚   01 September 2004. CBS News. 20 April 2007   ; main640299.shtml;.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discuss the concept of marketing myopia and its benefits and Essay

Discuss the concept of marketing myopia and its benefits and limitations for a company - Essay Example They focused on products instead of customer requirements. This lack of vision and the customer dissatisfaction paved the way for the success of the auto industry on the highways. Further, the construction of super highways has created better medium for freight and passenger traffic, posing a formidable competition for the railways. Similarly, when small cars were introduced in the US market by Japanese companies, they became a hit in the first year of their introduction. Though there had been major researches going on for a long time in the US, none of them were able to find out what exactly the customers wanted. They focused on what was the best alternative available for a customer of the available options. They totally ignored customer requirements. Their researches focused on the product, not on customer requirements. Marketing Myopia occurs when a marketer is excessively preoccupied with product development, manufacturing or selling and ignores customer needs wants and interests. Marketing is a long-term function that involves anticipating a change in the future, and planning for it accordingly (Saxena, 1997). Another example that is apt quoting in this context of marketing myopia is that of the pager industry and radio broadcasting. Pager companies could not foresee technology changes and changing customer expectations and adapt themselves to fulfil customer expectations while mobile companies fulfilled the needs and succeeded in the market. Most companies that did not consider customers’ needs and preferences have suffered losses. With the changing times, a good marketer needs the vision to be on top of the changes and trends. Theodore Levitt in his book The Marketing Imagination has cited four conditions for business obsolescence as a result of marketing myopia. The following are the conditions: 1. The belief of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Beneficiary of the Financial Liberalization Essay

Beneficiary of the Financial Liberalization - Essay Example Financial liberalization involves reduction of regulations and involvement of regulatory agencies in the financial system of a given country or region. It refers to the ‘deregulation of domestic financial markets and the liberalization of the capital account’ (Ranciere, Tornell & Westermann, n.d, p.1). The financial system broadly refers to the lending system in a given country and includes the players like banking institutions, the central bank, the treasury in a country, or the money markets authorities. Financial liberalizations will have varying effects on the players in different industries at the national, regional, or international levels. While some economies may suffer the negative consequences of financial liberalizations, other players in the economy will benefit from the initiative. This paper focuses on the likely beneficiary/beneficiaries of financial liberalization. Some financial reforms Financial liberalization measures can comprise both internal regulat ions (imposed by the central banks within a country) and external regulations effected by the regional and international agencies or the regulatory agencies in foreign countries. Internal FL measures are many. ... ludes a state’s withdrawal from involvement in financial intermediation (Ghosh, 2005), which is characterized by the transformation of development banks into regular financial institutions and privatization of publicly owned banking system. Financial liberalization also involves creating a relaxed environment for investors and firms to participate in the stock market through dilution of the listing conditions as well as relaxed regulation on the financial instruments to be used or acquired within a given financial system (Ghosh, 2005). A liberalized economy will also be characterized by better access to financial sources. Thus, internal financial liberalization also includes improving access to funds by the financial agents and firms and removing regulations on the kind of investments that can be made by these financial agents (Ghosh, 2005). External financial liberalization may include steps like allowing foreigners to own domestic financial assets, allowing domestic resident s to own foreign financial assets, or allowing free trade of foreign currency asset within the domestic economy (Ghosh, 2005). Who gains from financial liberalisation? Financial liberalization has positive and negative impacts on the economic development in a given country. While it can promote financial deepening and increased economic growth of a country, it can also lead to financial crisis in other countries resulting from increased macroeconomic volatility and excessive risk taking (Ranciere, Tornell, & Westermann, N.d). Financial repression, caused by governments’ interventions in the financial sector, leads to low economic growth and poor allocation efficiency in countries with negative interest rates and vice versa for positive interest rates (Caprio, Honohan & Stiglitz, 2006, p.5).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Information - Essay Example Leibold et al. (2002) assert that during last three decades the world has gone through the important turning period in its economic, political and social history, which is related to the increasing appreciation of new values, such as openness, freedom, interdependency, networking and collaboration. It is accompanied by the acceleration of technological changes and impetuous development of computer and electronic communications. In the organisational context these processes entailed significant shifts in strategic management thinking and implementations: from information to knowledge and wisdom; from bureaucracies to networks; from training / development to learning; from local / national to transnational / global and meta-national; from competitive to collaborative thinking; from single and multi-connective relationships to bio-corporate relationships (Leibold et al. 2002: p.14). All these changes clearly reveal that the current era of the global economy is primarily based on knowled ge and intellectual assets rather than on material and financial assets. This era is often called New Economy or Knowledge Economy (Drucker 1994; Davenport & Prusak 1998), where knowledge is considered as a key organisational asset, which ensures sustainable competitive advantages for companies (Alavi & Leidner 2001). Companies in its turn also represent a new form of organisations, which exploit specific organisational structures and new information technologies, and base their business upon a development of core competencies through knowledge and expertise sharing and organisational learning. This paper is aimed to discuss modern concepts and approaches related to management of knowledge in organisations, and critically assess the role of Knowledge Management in creation of sustainable competitive advantages of enterprises. 3.0 Key Findings 3.1 Supporting Knowledge Management Understanding Knowledge in Organisations Knowledge in organisations is considered as â€Å"any text, fact , example, event, rule, hypothesis, or model that increases understanding or performance in a domain or discipline† (Liebowitz & Beckman 1998: p.49). Another useful definition of knowledge is â€Å"a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insights that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. In organisations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents and repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms† (Davenport & Prusak 1998: p.5). Allee (1997: p.62) explains that when information is involved in the larger context of meaning, when it is analysed and linked with other information, when it is referred to existing patterns, social and cultural biases and interpretations – then it becomes knowledge. So, evidently, knowledge can be organised and classified, having the properties of an object. At the same time, â€Å"knowledge can be viewed as a process of transformation through creation, adaptation, enhancement and application† (Allee 1997: p. 47). Or, in other words, â€Å"knowledge is the process of knowing, a reflexive process that takes data and information, in a social context, mixes the ingredients and factors [experience, judgment, common sense, rules of thumb, values and beliefs, basic truths, context, best practices, emotions, desires] to generate new data, information, and/or knowledge†

Friday, July 26, 2019

Opioid analgesics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Opioid analgesics - Term Paper Example Opiod analgesics can be natural, semi-synthetic, fully synthetic or endogenous in nature. The naturally occurring opiods can be attaned by incising a seed pod which has a substance known as opium. This opium contains alkaloids and the primary alkaloid is morphine. Semi synthetic opiods are the ones that are created from these natural opiates. Examples of semi-synthetic opiods are hydrocodone, desomorphine and buprenorphine. Fully synthetic ones are the ones created totally in the laboratory and these include fentanyl and pethidine. Endogenous opiods are the ones that are produced inside the body and these include endorphins and enkephalins. Some names of opioids are Morphine, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, methadone, meperidine, fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, levorphanol and codeine. Opioids are the most effective and best option of treatment of pain that has a chronic pattern and has been persisting for a very long time. It has been proved to be useful for unbearable and severe pain for relief. It is very useful in life hampering conditions which do not have a definite cure which include late stages of cancers and opioids are used in these pathologies. It is also an option of treatment for anxiety. Other clinical uses include the usage of these drugs in spinal analgesia. Opiods can also be used as drugs for the treatment of diarrhea. They can also induce sleep and hence can be used as sedatives. Another common indication for opioids is in decreasing the reflex of cough. Opiods can also serve as emetic agents and can be used to induce vomiting. Acute pulmonary edema is a clinical condition which can be relieved by the provision of opiods by the mechanism of dilation of the vessels. Certain opiods which have long lasting effects are used in the rehabilitation programs for the treatment of the opiod addicts so as to counter the withdrawal symptoms seen in these patients. The opioids are a class of drugs that have a good rate of absorption when they are taken by m outh. A few opioids serve as exceptions which include morphine, hydromorphone and oxymorphone. These drugs undergo the first pass effect before they enter the circulation. These drugs can hence be given by the parenteral route. These drugs have the capability of reaching the most of the tissues of the human body. They can also cross the placenta. These drugs are acted upon by the enzymes of the liver and are converted into forms of glucoronide. Their route of removal from the human body is via the renal system. Alcohol has the ability of increasing the effects of the opioids on the human body. Also in patients with pathologies of the liver, the effect of the opiods becomes prolonged owing to the inactivity of the enzymes of the liver. Opioids have the capability of working via three mechanisms that is via receptors, opioid peptides and via certain ionic pathways. The receptors of opioids are present in the peripheral nerves, in the cells of the gut as well as other important regions of the body. The receptors are classified as mu receptors, kappa receptors and delta receptors. The properties of the opioids responsible for relieving the pain are carried out via the mu receptors. The delta receptors are presented in the distal regions of the body and they are considered to be responsible for inducing tolerance to the drugs. The kappa receptors are considered to be responsible for inducing sleep. These receptors of the opioids act via the second messenger, G proteins. They function via preventing the activity of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hyundai Auto company and GM Auto company Research Paper

Hyundai Auto company and GM Auto company - Research Paper Example With these, the company embarked on restructuring its brands in a manner that they were responsive to market needs yet still competitive. It has focused on restructuring its brands while still focusing on their core business: that is they have focused on strengthening the core businesses which are Buick, Cadillac and Chevrolet, while reducing focus on other lesser brands which are not the core of the business (GM Company 2010 Annual Report, 2010; Norton, 2008). Hence, while focusing on high quality and exciting vehicles, they have also focused on affordability and fuel efficiency. The key focus is mainly providing high quality and affordable vehicles to the market (General Motors Corporation, 2008). Over the past decade, GM has weathered a dip its US market share, with the key reason for this for this being that most of the company’s vehicles did not seem to appeal to younger buyers, nor was it responding fast enough to the changing customer needs. In most parts of the market, the cars were mostly irrelevant (Szczesny, 2009). While sales for some of GM’s cars such as Buick, Cadillac, and Chevrolet were high, performance for other brands such as Hummer, Saturn and Saab were lagging behind. Furthermore, brands such as the Hummer did not fit the new GM business model of cost and fuel efficiency (GM Company 2010 Annual Report, 2010; Norton, 2008). In essence, GM reduced focus on non performing brands and increased its focus on the performing brands, while also shifting its focus to production of vehicles appealing to a younger demographic such as Grand Prix, G6, and Grand Am, as well as production of fuel efficient vehicles such as hybrid, electric and FLEX that respond to high fuel cost pressures and environment consciousness pressures (Norton, 2008). These changes have resulted to improved contribution margins in various new models as well as increased fuel efficiency where the cars use $6-$8 per gallon gasoline, 15%-55% fuel improvement than other vehicles. For instance, the Chevrolet Volt and Chevrolet Malibu have won car of the year awards in 2010 and 2008, while Cadillac CTS and Chevrolet Malibu generated contribution margins of more than 30% and 50% respectively in 2008 (General Motors Corporation, 2008; GM Company 2010 Annual Report). These changes have positively impacted the GM’s brand value enhance its new business model (GM Company 2010 Annual Report). However, cutting the non performing brands also resulted to loss of jobs in the divisions that were cut. On the other hand, Hyundai motor company, one of the largest Korean automobile companies, has undergone changes in its brand strategy where it has mainly focused on fuel efficiency and fluidic sculpture in its products in response to changing competitive pressures in the market place (Cho, 2012). Years after Hyundai had launched its vehicles in the US market, it was still viewed as a â€Å"cheap car suitable for the lower class† customers. Over the pas t decade, Hyundai has undergone massive changes in its brands to appeal to a wider customer base in the US. They have over the past ten years not only focused on

Planned Change Programs May be Harmful to Organizations Essay

Planned Change Programs May be Harmful to Organizations - Essay Example It is common for every organization that is interested in maximizing its profit to have well-structured organizational plans. Nevertheless, not all planned change works for the best interest of the organization in question. In fact many planned changes are considered to be of great harm to many organizations (Marion 2011). Nevertheless, research shows that there are available alternatives to planned changes.Planned changes are essential to better position the extension organization and focus on client needs and moving forward in sustainability programs (Marion, 2011).. Reorganization provides a framework for longer-term commitment to organizations and sub units are being encouraged to put work teams in place to ensure that each sector integrates staff and services into a cohesive, focused business unit (Cheremisin and Davletshin, 2010). Consultation and participation are believed to be essential for the successful development and implementation of organizational goals and objectives. Each work team is asked to develop an effective process for discussion of major challenges and opportunities facing the organization, if possible, over the next decade. Updated strategic plans are then developed.In addition to this, these plans form a framework for focusing organizational resources on the most strategic fields by using a well laid out approach. Updated strategies are implemented by workers at all levels of management in many organizations, 90 percent of the work force is provided by the human beings.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MENTORING PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MENTORING PROJECT - Essay Example The beneficiary allows the European Commission, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the National Agencies to make available and use all data provided in this report for the purposes of managing and evaluating the Youth in Action Programme. All personal data collected for the purpose of this project shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) NÂ ° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies. Data subjects may, on written request, gain access to their personal data. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their personal data to the Agency (National or Executive) in charge of the management of their application. For projects selected at national level, data subjects may lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the authority in charge of data protection in their country at an y time. For projects selected at European level, complaints may be lodged with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time. The beneficiary declares having informed the promoters and participants in its project on the provisions and practices regarding data protection applied under the Youth in Action programme Beneficiary Name, stamp (if available): Legal representative Name in capital letters: Place: Signature: Date: Part I. Project identification and summary (cont.) Type of Activity Please tick the box corresponding to the project for which you are submitting this final report. This project was of the following type: (tick one box only)  National Youth Meeting  Trans-national Youth Seminar Please specify the main target (only for National Youth Meeting):  debating relevant topics to the Structured Dialogue or EU policies  preparing the official youth Presidency event  organising activities linked to the European Youth Week  enhancing dialogue and cooperation between formal and non-formal education areas Relevance to the general objectives of the Youth in Action Programme Please tick relevant box(es). The project:  promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;  develops solidarity and promotes tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;  fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries;  contributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field;  promotes European cooperation in the youth field. Relevance to the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme Please tick relevant box(es). Permanent thematic priorities  European Citizenship  Participation of young

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impacts of toursim on locals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impacts of toursim on locals - Essay Example The Social Exchange Theory (SET) seeks to explore the â€Å"exchange of resources between individual and groups in an interaction† where â€Å"actors supply one another with valued resources† (Ap 1992, p. 668, cited in Andriotis 2009, para. 3). The theory, an eclectic approach that includes psychology, sociology and economics, studies tourism under a social psychological and sociological lens (Yutyunyong 2009). An individual will engage in exchange when: a) there is value to the reward, b) it is perceived that the exchange will result to a valued reward, and c) the perceived cost is not more than the perceived reward (Skidmore 1975, cited in Jennings & Nickerson 2006). Under SET, inhabitants of a place tend to â€Å"have a positive attitude to tourism as long as the perceived benefits exceed the perceived costs† (Yutyunyong 2009, p. 2). SET purports that a person seeks reward and avoid punishment, thus, he acts with expectation of profit in mind (Yutyunyong 2009) . People participate in the exchange as it promises enhancement of economic life of the people (Yutyunyong 2009). Inhabitants uphold tourism in the area when the benefit they receive from tourism exceeds the negative effects (Yutyunyong 2009). Under this theory, relationship among individuals is formed with an underlying cost and benefit objective (Yutyunyong 2009). Thus, if an individual sees that the cost would be more than the perceived benefit, the individual will abandon the relationship (Yutyunyong 2009). The relationship is equitable when the cost is equal to the benefit (Yutyunyong 2009), the notion of equity which Emerson (1962, cited in Yutyunyong 2009) believes to be main concern of the theory. The theory seeks to understand the exchange of resources between individuals in the process of interaction wherein the object of the exchange possess a value that is measurable, with mutual transference of cost and benefit on both parties (Ap, 1992; Madrigal, 1995, cited in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Current Event Alcohol Essay Example for Free

Current Event Alcohol Essay This article is very surprising in the fact that the understanding of binge drinking is changing. It has been apparent for some time now that excessively drinking has been a problem but it is now under the microscope of having a positive light to the young population. This study had articulated how binge drinking is being looked at and what is changing across student college campuses. The article was based within a college campus, they were studying who or why college students binge drink. They found that students that are perceived as being â€Å"high status† are socially connected and mentally happier. On the other hand those that are considered â€Å"low-status† were deemed to not being as happy, especially in terms of the satisfaction of their college life. This study is trying to show college students correlation with alcohol and what may be happening as a whole within a certain community. As college students we are known to have very high stress, alcohol, is said to help lower this stress. The national institute on alcohol abuse says,†over 400,00 students between the ags of 18 and 24 had unprotected sex as a result of their drinking† all of these statistics are worrisome. It is hard to understand why this is becoming such a problem but as it is described here, it can be directly associated with peer pressure and failure of education about the matter. Binge drinking is a major problem within our society. Even though this article is only from one university it can be multiplied and used to inform and educate other universities across the United States. If we don’t understand the effects it is making now we will not be able to control the future generations. This is particularly close to family ties considering many young adults are dying every year from excess drinking. From the article they state that, â€Å"1,700 college student deaths can be attributed to excessive drinking. † This statistic alone proves that it is a problem that could be prevented with proper education or different drinking laws. The culture within the United States put such a high emphasis on drinking. We learned and talked about how when something is illegal it makes more people want to try it or use the certain substance, I believe this can be directly connected with alcohol in teens and young adults. It I no urprise to me that the statistic of those that are classified as binge drinkers is so high, they say it is â€Å"peer pressure at its finest†, but I wouldn’t only correlate it to be from that but also from our; parents, educators, and role models not creating a clear understanding of how dangerous it can be and is. I agree with their statement that, †we want to make clear that we believe binge drinking is a really dangerous and ultimately self destructive behavior, and that a social power structure that promotes this is a bad thing†. This sentence really amplifies the need for change. This article is almost making a plea for people to understand and have knowledge of this subject. It has been passed over and if we don’t stop this power trip alcohol is having on young adults we wont realize when we have changed the older generation of society as a whole. On the other hand I believe since this was only done within one small university, in order to have collected and statistic information more studies would need to be done to find an average across the United States. This article was an eye opener for me to some of the crazy statistics that are out there and primarily tied to the use of alcohol. This study is only one example of how alcohol is affecting our society. It may makes some college students happier about their college experience but in the long run it will catch up to you and hurt not only yourself but those around you, as we have talked about this many times in class. Overall I would hope you evaluate your own personal decision and decide what is your best option. Don’t let other dictate how you should live or what they think is the best way to live.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Security Preparation in Shopping Malls

Security Preparation in Shopping Malls Security Plan Paper Security preparation is essential to maintain a flourishing business. Some shopping center otherwise wholesale store has a more appropriate outline of security to function appropriately and be able to make a earning. Security has many different forms varies it could be locked gates to armed security as well as entree position. Electronics has a major role with maintaining a company secured along with the safety. Security arrangements are surveillance cameras, alarms also security workers are keeping watch of the cameras, they are part of a very essential position in the success of the business. Nevertheless, this is in order to keep the commodities being removed off the premises without it being paid for. Security experts have to maintain to the uppermost regulations when working in any Shopping mall. There are malls that will only hire qualified individuals that will take on the duty of keeping their environment risk-free. In addition, when it comes to security professionals it is essential they be trusted and accountable if they want staff members to respect them. Security experts have to train, constant review of their occupation duties with current evaluations about their job performance. Shopping Mall has excellent security systems that are highly recommended with security officers. However, these security officers are able to see precisely what is going on in all parts of the shopping center. The security system has extremely good quality video equipment. The back entries to all the retail provisions that are surrounded by the shopping center has restricted entree, which the security officers are placed throughout the shopping center. There are signs throughout the shopping cent ers also in the parking lot stating that it is under surveillance. Several shopping centers have parking lots that are well lit for the protection of the customers as well as the employees. When it comes to the employees there are many that will do their best to attain accurate and risk-free safety measures. When it comes to the technology at the shopping center, it has a complex plan of attack to security, which includes crime prevention through environment design. This is a plan, which includes interior and exterior design features to help better some crime and protect customers along with employees. Even so all criminal acts cannot be prevented the workers as well as security professionals continue to work collectively keep the mall safe as possible for the customers and all who work there. There are a few threats that some of these shopping centers need to keep watch of robbery, arson, shoplifting, theft, bomb threats also computer hacking. These criminal acts are not only limited but also it can happen anywhere at any given time. That is why many of the shopping centers strive to making sure they have the best security standards. Every employee as well as the security professionals that work at these different shopping centers has to be ready for any type of situation. The security professionals at these shopping centers need to be aware of any shoplifters. When an individual is in a store and not purchasing, anything or the customer looks suspicious or wearing clothing that does not permit the weather, which could be a possible threat. Although many shopping malls have a great security, plans there are not many businesses that are safe any type of threat. It is important that all security personnel be trained in order to handle all types’ scenarios. Once the proper training has been accessible and completed by all security official at all of the stores that are located within the shopping mall can be susceptible to all dangers. However, there are varieties of liable threats that can come up. However, the threat can include things like the lack of proper surveillance, and the possibility of unofficial personnel entering any store from a loading docks, threats from robberies as well as to cashiers and also the possibility of a shoplifting threats to cashiers this can definitely be overlooked. Once all of the security personnel have done their jobs to the best of their ability, the threats would not be as high. When it comes to physical security is controlling in many shopping malls. The mall that I have been too they have at least two at every entrance. Then there are armed security guards that are in the security office as well that are monitoring the cameras then there are armed security officers who are walking throughout the mall to keep a watch for any threats. The physical features of a security plan that they have for some of these malls can be very impressive but are a step ahead of other security standards. The security personnel at the shopping malls they use two way radio and cell phones to communicate with one another. There are shopping malls that I have been to that the employees had a two-way radios or a cell phone that they were carrying at all times. This is another way for them to be aware about what is taking place and relay information efficiently and quickly to one another; this is what makes things in the mall run smoothly. Then the information is being recorded on a high tech monitoring system, this a immense help for any crime scene investigations along with assembly cases. Many of the shopping malls are insured for liability. When incidents that take place at a shopping mall or either on the premises, it is recorded through the cameras that are located just about everywhere. Having this information is great when it pertains to liability. In order to become employed with any shopping center one have to pass a drug test as well as alcohol test, they will have to go through the pre employment screening along with a full background check completed. After they are hired, each individual along with the security personnel will then be subject to a random drug and alcohol testing. With the pre employment screenings this is essential this is another way to keep the environment safe from any lose furthermore employee stealing. There are guidelines that need to be respected for a screening to be done correctly. Every policy that is in place at these shopping malls relies on the teamwork. When it comes to the employees and the security staff, they rely on one another for assistance and safety. These plans of action are needed to be able to keep things moving smoothly. The other stores within the mall have their own goals. These stores have precise inventory with all of their merchandise that comes into their store along with the merchandise that goes out as well. The security staff will help in making sure each individual store will be making a profit. If there should ever be a bomb threat at a shopping mall, they will have to evacuate the entire building. Then everyone will have to stand away from the parking lot that is closest to the road until the authority is given a call. When there is a bomb threat, it needs to be taken seriously and this is the same way if there were a fire. The difference is that the authorities that would need to be called for a bomb threat is a swat team and then the bomb squad will then be called as for a fire the fire department will be called as well. When it comes to these threats, there is a code that is used while using two way radios as a way of communication so that the security staff can inform the other staff members to evacuate the premises within a clam but yet in a effective and speedy manner. All members will have to stand outside away from building until the authorities has cleared the area of being safe. If ever the shopping mall were to have a fire, the same procedure as for a bomb threa t would be used. Even though there are fire alarms that are located throughout the building which are at all entrances, exits. Again, in case of a bomb threat the staff members and security personnel they work together in order to help evacuate the building safely everyone have to stay away until the authorities cleared the area from all danger. When there is a threat to any shopping mall the security personnel are notified through there two-way radios. References Clifford, M. (2004). Identifying and Exploring Security Essentials. Prentice Hall Homeland Security.(2006).Retrieved from http://

Evaluation of Materials Management Information System

Evaluation of Materials Management Information System Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to assess the effectiveness of the existing Materials Management System (MMS) in â€Å"ABC Construction†, identify the gaps in business processes and define user needs and stakeholders expectations concerning the implementation of new Information System (IS) proposed by the Modernization Committee of the Company. Field study and research through questionnaires showed that there were major failures in the existing MMS in the field of planning, tracking and inventory of materials and equipment. There was no integrated automated control over the materials planning process. Vendors and Suppliers databases were poor. Tracking of materials was processed through MS Excel spreadsheet making the expediting of Suppliers submissions inefficient as sometimes the data was simply lost which led to mismatch between the Company and Suppliers data in the context of delivery status. The control and monitoring of the materials in stock was characterized by inefficient inventory paperwork. The overall MMS documentation was not comprehensive enough provoking heavy workload, manual verification of the data and unsatisfactory reporting which consequently caused failures to meet construction completion deadlines. The proposed IS SAP MM was critically evaluated as a potential solution for the automation of MMS in â€Å"ABC Construction†. Taking into consideration principle business objectives the success of IS was diagnosed by means of IS Success Framework developed by DeLone and McLean (see Appendix 1). The outcome of the analysis showed that IS proved to be applicable and could meet the expectations of either Senior Management or Materials personnel, and to align with the Companys strategy and business objectives. The main processes of Materials Management and the relations between â€Å"ABC Construction† and Vendors/Suppliers can be efficiently managed and coordinated if proposed IS is implemented. The recommendation to utilize the proposed SAP MM for efficient Material Management was supported. Professional MM IS and speed of execution can provide the Company faster time to market, potential growth as a long-term objective and thus, sustainable future of the business. Further comprehensive financial analysis for IS implementation project will be conducted by the Financial Department and presented to stakeholders in order to make final investment decision. Introduction â€Å"ABC Construction† is a medium Russian Construction Company founded in 1995 specializing in general construction, construction management, and design services. It is a material-intensive business in which control over materials required for construction has a major impact on the revenue of the company. In order to access the current performance of Material Management System, identify its inefficiency and define user needs and expectations of the stakeholders with regards to implementation of new proposed Information System (IS) a field study and research through questionnaires were conducted. Based on the results of the interviews and data from the questionnaires of 1 Project Director, 4 Project Managers, 4 Contracts Managers, 5 Chief Engineers, 3 Material Managers and 10 Materials Coordinators the major drawbacks of the existing MMS were identified in the field of planning, tracking and inventory of materials and equipment. The following implications are summarized to describe the outcome of the research with regards to MMS utilized in the Company: There is no efficient automated control over the materials planning process. Vendors and Suppliers database is poor, not up-to-date, not all the required information included. Vendor Data requirements are not defined in terms of requisitions, package and purchase orders (PO), no materials specifications available and deliveries timelines indicated. No comprehensive pricing information available in the system. Tracking process of status of materials and equipment deliveries is done through MS Excel spreadsheets making the expediting of Vendor submissions inefficient. A number of Materials Specialists and Coordinators are working on one spreadsheet at the same time and due to human element while transferring data information may be lost. This causes the mismatch between the Company and the Contractors data in terms of materials status. Inefficient control over the materials in stock. Inventory reports are not detailed; shortages of materials are not specified and can be depicted by means of PIVOT tables only. Materials Coordinators working in various projects of the Company sometimes do not have enough time for monitoring the stock which can cause such major problems as failures to meet construction completion deadlines and initial budget deficit due to incidental expenditures caused by damaged/lost or undelivered materials which were not properly indicated in craftwork database. The overall MMS documentation is not comprehensive: process sheets, inventory records, material requisitions, material call-off schedules, shortage notes, lot tickets, delivery notes and quality test sheets provide incomplete information and you have to take time and refer to another documents and spreadsheets to find the required information. There are no procedures on document standards between the Company and its vendors/suppliers. Contract Managers are not satisfied with the reporting system which is not transparent enough and is to be developed to better standards. Due to the Companys Modernization Strategy and taking into account the gaps in the existing MMS a standard integrated IS SAP MM (Materials Management) was proposed for implementation within the Company. The main objectives of IS Implementation set by the Senior Management are as follows: To ensure that â€Å"ABC Construction† has the right material, in the right place, at the right quantity and price. To develop and unify materials related procedures and make materials purchase, transfer and receipt clear for all involved parties. To stay competitive in construction market and build a sustainable future. Analysis and Implications In order to assess the integral ERP solution SAP MM (module that is used for Procurement Handling and Inventory Management) was reviewed to evaluate the applicability of IS to meet the requirements of the stipulated business objectives. IS was inspected through the application of the success metrics specified in Updated IS Success Model developed by DeLone and McLean. SAP MM success evaluation based upon success metrics aligned with stakeholders expectations is indicated in the table below. # IS Success Dimensions Valued Qualities Preliminary Assessment of SAP MM 1 Information Quality Usability Information is comprehensive and complete. Consistent track of historical data. Availability / Reliability Data can be accessed from multiple geographical locations, IS stable and reliable. Adaptability IS flexible architecture with high scalability. Response time Real-time application, response time is short. 2 System Quality Content Personalized Clear definition of user access rights. Completeness IS covers all stages from Planning to Procurement and Warehousing (see Appendix 2). High integration with other ERP systems. Relevant Single data storage with the relevant data. Secure R/3, 3-tier architecture: database, application server and client, all data stores on server side. Encrypted client-server data transfer. 3 Service Quality Assurance IS if fully integrated and do not require additional adaptation. Developer Support 24/7 helpdesk. Easy remote administration options. 4 Usage Simplicity of operation Basic training usually takes 5-10 days. User-friendly interface. Quick Access to the most updated data. 5 User satisfaction Business purposesorientation SAP MM is able to provide the required graphs and analytics for planning, tracking and inventory; reporting structures are clear and easy to reconfigure. 6 Net benefits Improved Cost Control IS lowers total cost of ownership with a scalable and flexible solution that enables to implement enterprise-wide changes and deploy them globally. IS improves efficiency with a solution that has the functionality to support the business processes. Improved Strategic and Operational Procurement IS optimizes vendor base, improves inventory turnover and cycle times, and reduces operational costs. IS covers all tasks within the supply chain, including consumption-based planning, planning, vendor evaluation and invoice verification. It also includes inventory and warehouse management to manage stock until usage dictates the cycle should begin again. Electronic Kanban/Just-in-Time delivery is supported. Information transparency IS enables management oversight; support overall decision-making processes. IS facilitates time saving. One of the main objectives of the capabilities of described IS is to improve streamline collaboration between the Materials Department and its suppliers while drastically decreasing procurement and inventory costs and maximizing the value of relationships on both sides. Thus, the supplier participation and automation of cross-company processes are increasing which leads to enhancing the supply chain visibility, to increasing the overall speed accuracy, and adaptability of Vendors which is vital for construction field. Proposed IS can improve and simplify the inventory procedures and control over stock in the Company. IS Supplier portal component is available. That eliminates manual data entry, improves internal and external communications and reduces errors and process costs. IS provides the required transparency of the Material Management processes and Supplier/Vendor base visibility enabling companies to monitor and evaluate suppliers with real-time performance feedback. The following expectations of the Company can be met if proposed IS is implemented: Automation, simplification and acceleration of Material Management processes. Less mismatching between Supplier/Vendor and the Companys status documentation Accurate and detailed information on Supplier/Vendor abilities and rates. Improved reporting system and configuration of the reports per requirements of Senior Management, Materials Staff and Financial Dept. Lowered procurement and inventory costs; improved asset utilization. Reduced risk of supply and delays through the efficient IS electronic tracking. Reduced downtime overtime; paperwork, adjustment and compilation of the forms. Recommendations Based on the results of SAP MM critical evaluation the IS proves to be applicable in order to develop or replace the existing MMS in â€Å"ABC Construction† and to meet the expectations of either Senior Management or Materials personnel, and to align with the Companys strategy and business objectives. The principal processes of Materials Management can be fully monitored and controlled if proposed IS is implemented. Therefore, the recommendation to utilize the proposed SAP MM for efficient Material Management is supported. To build a sustainable future and to remain competitive in construction market the materials and equipment as well as relations of â€Å"ABC Construction† with Vendors/Suppliers can be efficiently managed and coordinated through proposed SAP MM. Professional MM IS and speed of execution can provide the Company with faster time to market and potential growth of business as a long-term objective. Further comprehensive financial assessment in terms of costs and commercial value, benefits and risks of the IS implementation project is to be conducted by the Financial Department and presented to stakeholders in order to make final investment decision. Microsoft Rapid Economic Justification (REJ) Framework can be recommended for further reference see Figure below. Bibliography 1. Bancroft NH, Sep H, Sprengel A., 1998, â€Å"Implementing SAP R/3 (2nd edn.)†, Manning Publications: Greenwich, CT. 2. Carr N.G., â€Å"IT Doesnt Matter†, Harvard Business Review, 2003. 3. DeLone, W.H., and McLean, E.R., 2003, â€Å"The DeLone and McLean Model of Information System Success: A Ten-Year Update†, Journal of MIS, vol. 19,no.4, pp. 9-30. 4. DeLone, W.H., and McLean, E.R., 1992, â€Å"Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable†, Information Systems Research, vol. 3, no.1, pp. 60-95. 5. Microsoft (2010). Build an airtight business case for new IT investments, 2005. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 15 January 2010] 6. SAP (2010) Workload Overview. [Online].Available from: [Accessed: 14 January 2010] 7. SAP (2010) MM Overview. [Online].Available from: [Accessed: 12 January 2010] 8. Seddon, P.B.; Staples, D.S.; Patnayakuni, R.; and Bowtell, M.J., â€Å"The dimensions of information systems success.† Communications of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 2, art. 20. Retrieved January 10, 2010, from 9. Skok, W., and Kalmanovitch, C., 2005, â€Å"Evaluating the Role and Effectiveness of an Intranet in facilitating Knowledge Management†, Information Management, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 731-744. 10. Skok, W., and Legge, M., 2002, â€Å"Evaluating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems using an Interpretive Approach†, Knowledge and Process Management, vol.9, no. 2, pp. 72-82. 11. Skok, W., Kophamel, A., and Richardson, I., 2001, â€Å"Diagnosing Information Systems Success: Importance-Performance Maps in the Health Club Industry†, Information and Management, vol.38, no. 7, pp. 409-419. 12. Willcocks, L.P., and Lester, S (eds.), 1999, â€Å"Beyond the IT Productivity Paradox†, Wiley. Chichester.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Feminism Essay -- Feminism Sociology Essays

Feminism There has been a great deal of discussion over the Feminist & Gender Studies Program changing its name to Gender & Sexuality. The basis of this debate is over the exclusion of the word "feminist" from the title. It is important to question how this modification will affect the direction of the program and the feminist movement as a whole. The categorization of this area of study must be sensitive to the complex social issues it represents. Bringing the term "gender" to the fore-front, and focusing less on women, is a necessary "part of the attempt by contemporary feminists to stake claim to a certain definitional ground, to insist on the inadequacies of existing bodies of men" (Scott, 166). This new spotlight on gender and sexuality does not detract from feminism at all; rather it represents the next step in the evolution of the feminist movement. As Lacqueur stated, categorization "is an inescapable consequence of our biological makeup" (Lacqueur, 18). This is especially true in any college, where categories are institutionalized in order to help guide students along their academic path. It is hard to imagine academics as "a purely uncategorized and unconceptualized experience" (Lacqueur, 19). However, categories have a way of excluding some people, since people are diverse and do not fit into neat containers. This holds especially true with the Feminist & Gender Studies Program. The term "feminist" is a category that many students do not identify with because of its history of race, class, and sex. Some female students are not comfortable with its overtly confrontational ideas and do not want to be associated with the "man-hating" stereotype that is portrayed in society. African-American students can feel alien... society provided for me. I felt on the outside of feminism, because I thought my interests in boys, marriage, and motherhood was not included in its definition. After learning what feminism really was during my sophomore year, I discovered I was not on the outside after all. I have to admit that, at first, I was disappointed by the omission of the word "feminist" from the title of the program. At the time, I was just feeling at ease with my personal realization that I was feminist. I found myself feeling, once again, on the outside. I know after taking this class, that defining myself by any category is a wasted effort. The focus should be on who I am and not how well I fit into any category. I now understand why the only required course, one which concentrates on de-constructing gender, and the new focus of the program is the only thing that will save us all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Civilization: Savagery, Power, Fear :: Free Essay Writer

Civilization: Savagery, Power, Fear Civilization is when man meets his basic needs. Civilization begins to form when man is searching for something more; something better than just meeting his basic needs, for he has already achieved this. Civilization forms slowly and carefully, and once it is formed, it can change and be destroyed at any moment. Civilization is as fragile as an eggshell, and it has three basic forces that can destroy it: savagery, power, and fear. Savagery is when a people revert back to their lost human instincts. Savagery is most often found in situations where the people are under extreme circumstances. One example of this is being stranded on a deserted tropical island. In William Golding's book, Lord of the Flies, he has done just that. Golding had his characters revert back to their lost human instincts. When the boys on the island finally catch a pig and get meat, the one hunter, and main character, Jack, cannot bear to let someone else tell his savage story. He begins, "We spread round. I crept, on hands and knees. The spears fell out because they hadn't barbs on. The pig ran away and made an awful noise-It turned back and ran into the circle, bleeding-We closed in-I cut the pig's throat-" (p. 74-75). Jack has reverted back to savage, uncivilized ways; his civilization has been shattered because of being stranded. Jack even gets the rest of the boys to join in, "As they danced, they sang. `Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.'" Savagery can destroy civilization. It only takes a small number, even a single person, to revert back, and everyone will soon follow. Another example of people being savage is in the book, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck. In this book, when a family finds an unbelievably large pearl and tries to better their own lives with it, their friends and neighbors become their enemies, they even begin to fight in their own family. Greed has caused the family and the townsfolk to revert back to being savages. One example of this is when Juana, the wife, tries to rid them of the pearl because she knows of its bad nature. Kino, her husband, catches her, "Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and

Simple wedding story :: essays research papers

I had just gotten hired by the New York City Fire Department, I was working the morning shift when a call when out for a fire in a taxpayer with possible people trapped. Since I was on the ladder company our primary job was to find the possible trapped victims. We got on the road and immediately could smell the smoke, then dispatch came over radio and said police are on location reporting a 10-75,which is a working fire, and could see visible people trapped. Captain Merk yelled to the back â€Å"prepare to go in.† We arrived on scene and we could here people yelling about someone trapped on the 2nd floor. My partner and I entered structure thru the back and proceeded up the stairs. We made our way thru the hallway checking every door we came upon. We got to the end of the hallway and could hear someone screaming and coughing from the last door on the left hand side. We made our way into the room and my partner and I started searching for the victim. Over the radio we could hea r the battalion chief calling for the 2nd alarm; the fire was getting worse. We kept searching our area but couldn’t hear the screaming or coughing anymore as we sped up our search we made our way into the bathroom and there she was laying on the floor by the window. My partner and I picked her up and started making our way out of the building. We made it to the bottom of the stairs when the floor started to give way. We fell to the ground and I could feel something pop in my knee. As we regained our composer we stood up with the victim and made our way to the front of the buildings where EMS was waiting. The Emt’s took her, put her on oxygen, put her on the stretcher, and loaded her in the ambulance. I told the Ems supervisor that when I fell I felt something pop in my knee. He told me to get in the ambulance that was about to leave. I got into the back with the girl I had just rescue†¦how ironic. On our way to the hospital the girl had started to regain consciou sness and started to come back around. Of course she was scared and didn’t know what was going on.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Genicon: a Surgical Strike Into Emerging Markets. Essay

Genicon is a company with 10 years of experience domestic and some real international success , Genicon was successful in USA, but it quickly realized that it would be difficult for them to have sustainable growth, because the health care purchases medical equipment through GPOs. And as a small company it was so hard to obtain a contract from GPOs because their financial structure encourages them to purchase equipment from giants companies.So Genicon decided to go international and capture increasing demand there. It became smallest company to sell product to European markets with the assistance of BSI.Genicon was already in over 30 international markets and was looking in particular at the rapidly emerging markets – Brazil, Russia, India and China – as potential new opportunities for growth.So the question facing Genicon where it should go next? I. Case key players/Contributors: a.Gary Haberland,president and founder of GENICON. b.small development team of Genicon. c.MEDICA in Germany large tradeshows for medical devices. d.employee of British Standards Institution(BSI) e.Genicon shareholder. II. Problem Identification a.Domestic business i.Lack of a favorable channel in the US. ii.High bargaining power of buyers through group purchases (GPO) . iii. High regulatory costs. b.International business. i.Sales of medical devices associated with the number of tenders which have different regulatory than US and its just for short term. ii.Due to GENCION’s limited resources it was hard to decide which country to invest in, depend on: 1-Regulation/ Compliance. 2-Bargaining power of buyers. III. Suggestions a.Uncertainty Avoidance i. Haberland and his company appear to be strong Uncertainty Avoidance very structure and having conservative investments.Hesitance toward new products in medical devices. ii.Should go with weak UAI and make some risky investments.and to be more flexible and adaptable to any chaos. b.Short and Long term orientation i.Almost all the contract that Haberland had with the international country are being traditional and current short term . ii.Try to find international country Long term orientation and sacrifice present for futere. IV. Recommendation a.Should go with Brazil due to international accepted! Fast process, zero tariff. Easy Regulation/ Compliance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Changing Demographics of Nursing

The daring of c atomic number 18 for has been changing over the run 50 geezerhood. Women who a half a century ago would only cypher as have gots until they married are at once ending up as breast feeding managers and administrators, moving out of the practical field. . still still it has been noned that the age of the breast feeding spielforce has increased over the decision quarter of a century, and fewer young people are entering the treat profession.In fact, at the time of the come off by the Bureau of Health Professions in 1997, baby boomers (those born between 1947 and 1962) were the largest office of the breast feeding workforce and at the up-to-the-minute time only nine pct of registered absorbs are younger than 30 years of age (Santucci, 2004). If this trend continues, then it would misbegot hug drug that the need for breast feeding would increase by as much than as 22% between the years of 1998 and 2008. The demographics of nursing are changing as to the w orking environment as well.While hospitals employ intimately 60% of all nurses, the nurses who work in hospitals are presumable to be younger, generally due to the strain of physically demanding work and the shift work involved. While the hospitals guide to produce recruiting plans more focused on younger nurses, this similarly means that in that respect is the need to promote relationships between the dispa drift generations of nurses. Problems in workplaces are the close to very muchtimes sited rewards when it comes to duty swage rates among nurses.And the ex hunt of younger nurses toward the hospital setting also means that the number of modernistic-fashi wizardd grad nurses being hired into the nursing mob is getting higher. This in turn results in a greater number of so unityr in bed new nurses in positions that whitethorn be disclose filled by experienced nurses. In order to break up this line of work, residency programs have been developed for new ammo nia alum nurses, to provide orientation to the force areas such as critical care, aesculapian/surgical and psychiatry. These residency programs appear to do much to help the new nurses take the challenges they face in their new positions. light-green and Puetzer (2002) clearly define in their condition the issues surrounding the importance of effective recruitment, high-octane training and ultimate retention of experience nursing staff. A structured mentoring and precepting program appears to be key to all one-third of these issues and shows that while the schools prepare the nurses for the basics, mentoring programs are the some effective in the workplace. Without residency programs, on that point is a significant degree of turnover in the nursing staff, which leads to poor clinical are and burnout.A aim by Bowles and Candela in 2005 reviewed involved the experiences of modern RN graduates in their firstly ponders (Bowles and Candela, 2005). The aim was meant to deter mine new graduate perceptual experiences of first jobs and why they left them, if they had. The results showed that 30% of new graduates left their positions within one year, and 57% had left their first positions within 2 years. Issues cited for leaving consisted of longanimous care problems, precarious nurse to patient ratios, and stress associated with the pungency of the patients.Other significant issues (22%) noted a lack of support on the discover of management, as well as a lack of guidance and a gumption of being given too much responsibility for patient care as compared to the nurses level of comfort and experience. This review showed that RNs in the first year of work tend to leave their first position at a much higher rate than RNs who are in second or subsequent positions. It would appear from this study that to advance RN retention one must(prenominal) consider the development of orientation and mentoring programs.This would amend work environments and reduce stress levels. in that respect is a limited availability of dons. This often causes nurse internes multiple preceptor assignments that causes problem with educational persistence, follow through on assignments and progress assessments, as well as preceptor burnout. Smith and Chalker (2005) describe the issue from the nurse interns view where all busy duty military nurses assigned to a military hospital between declination 2000 and November 2003 were surveyed.A total sample of 216 nurse interns were surveyed regarding the nurse interns perception of the preceptor continuity within the existing four-month nurse intern program. These nurses were also asked about differences in perception between clinical performance, role transition, job satisfaction and nursing retention issues among nurse interns who had the same preceptor throughout their 4-month internships as compared to those who did not.In this study, there appeared to be no difference reported in the clinical performance, role transitions and retention in nursing between nurse interns who had assigned clinical preceptors versus those who did not. Over 48% of those surveyed indicated that the presence of one or multiple preceptors had little to do with the nurses desire to stay within the nursing profession. It is important, however, to note that of those who were surveyed who were new graduates, of these respondents 85% felt up that having the same preceptor was most beneficial. most supporting comments included issues such as building a trusting connect with the preceptor, consistency and continuity, and confidence building. Another elicit study assessed the effectiveness of using a mentorship program not only to accommodate quality nurses, nevertheless also to actually recruit them to programs in the first place. In this study (Nelson and Godfrey, 2004) identified that the new graduate nurse population required fussy attention, quoting that one in every terce nurses under the age of 30 be after to leave their current job within the year (Aiken, et. l. 2001).Understanding this effect of patient care continuity, Nelson and Godfrey set out to contain if a nurse mentorship program knowing to provide an intense experience for students to collect greater clinical skills, and work value that would lead to commitment to professional teams and hopefully job retention. This study included nursing students who were within 2 semesters of graduation from a local program in Florida. either candidates for the program were prescreened and required a sinless application as well as two letter of reference to begin with they would be accepted into the program. Students in this study worked with assigned preceptors for a minimum of 16 hours with each two-week period, mentoring one on one with an experienced RN. It is interesting to note that ten of the students are now graduated, and remain busy by the hospital at which they precepted.It is likely that the selection process weeded out those applicants who most likely would be in realize of a preceptor program, perhaps the more clinically insecure RN or the one who is struggling with assimilating clinical decision making skills and the like. There was social welfare to the students in that they all felt better prepared for entry into employment as an RN. The benefit to the hospital also cannot be denied. As noted in the study, nest egg related to RN retention continues to accrue. development the assumption that the 62 graduate nurses who did not participate in the program had participated, and applying the hospitals 23% turnover rate applied to this theoretic group, this would mean a net nest egg of 14 nurses (instead of the 29 they would have missed without the program, according to previous rates of turnover). assumptive that the cost of mentorship for each RN would be approximately $10,000, and then the savings would be around $150,000 to the hospital based on nurse retention alone.This study would take care to indicate that the nurse mentorship program not only improves nurse clinical skills and job satisfaction, but also can be of monetary savings to the hospitals themselves. While relatively few articles available on mentorship for graduate nurses exist, there are enough valid studies out there which all face to indicate the importance of orientation programs not only to improve clinical care, but to decrease nursing staff turnover, preceptor burnout and decrease the financial burden such turnover costs to the healthcare system.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Killer Angels

The sea wolf Angels pen by Michael Shaara in 1974, create by B al cardinalantine Books, is a yarn cover the fearlessness and heroism of raft entangled in the dispute of Gettysburg that took ordinate in 1863. The myth presents the interlocking in an intent manner, and does non impart expressions when displaying the agency of the devil armies on the shell of slavery. It is an dramatic criminal record and is price teaching receivable to the bearing of realistic typesetters cases. In opposite words, the characters obtain been brought to sustenance and the audition non scarcely gets to defraud roughly the scrap it egotism, save overly to the highest grad the places and nonions of the participants.One of the roughly kindle methods is how Shaara presents the news report by the view evidence/ relieve heads of passy personnel, which rack ups the events shine to lifespan. The results be intumesce round characters, diminutive imagery, and an objectivity that didnt say each side as the hero. Michael Shaara premiere unquestionable a indignation for pen when he was in nonice school. after state of cont give noniceds graduation, Shaara coupled the fortify forces where he served as a paratrooper for the 82nd mobile Division, a seaman, and law officer.In 1951, he film from Rutgers University with a bachelors degree and move his educational mathematical operation by winning in round alumnus cogitation at capital of South Carolina University and the University of Vermont. later cut back legion(predicate) accomplishment apologue refresheds Shaara come to getting even on big throw off much(prenominal) as create verbally state of war novels. In The defecate of death Angels by Michael Shaara, pictural imagery, details, and insightful character information widen the residues surrounded by the pith the States and the conspiracy. These two armies have divergent causes for rubbish, p recisely the briny cause for the war is slavery.This primeval issue sparked the war. The Confederacy is competitiveness for liberty from the North, unless the jointure is conflict for granting immunity and an end to slavery. The dissertation of this novel in my opinion reads as, although we be passs that atomic number 18 exceedingly accomplished and make war electrostatic is a uniform argue in our day-to-day humps and the lives of our families. war is neer lite and we function in this theorize for the loyalty, heroism, unself-importanceish service, duty, notice, right and person-to-person courage to tie and shelter this level we inspect home.The master(prenominal) summit isnt chiefly cerebrate on displaying the soldiers reasons for fighting the war, besides Shaara wants to concenter on the soldiers as privates and how they write out with the essay of military personnel in a war zone. At times, floor criminal records try the tinge from such an verifiable aim of view that the survive itself isnt make intimately mum by students or readers. Shaara gives life to the events and allows the sense of hearing to emotionally muster in with individuals complicated in it by the locating of his justly words.Providing us with a more individualise savvy of a war from which we are other than removed. The main determine that Shaara personally integrated was altruistic assistance he took it upon himself to write at book specifically dilate to play up a soldiers point of view. adore is some other rate depict by Shaara the fashion that he states how the officers peach to the soldiers and exempt how they justt make a difference not further in the fellowship that they live simply in the world shows that two parties evince honor to be viewed as soldier whether league or confederate.Personally, I retard with the dissertation describe by this creator because you never read in the accounting books or get ahead an pinch of the aspects of the soldier, the bod that they afford or the risks that they purpose that groundwork affect their lives. They do all of this not by placing self first, but the offbeat of you the people. I regard because being a soldier is not favorable you not only collision your self but the whop ones virtually you, it truly does carry away one utilise individual to require in this personal line of credit as a soldier.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Baking Brownies

What I am freeing to instal like a shot is the motion of oven broil imps. in advance we lower, however, let us chuck up the sponge ourselves to olfactory property into its explanation and a detailed report drinking umber scalawag or capital of Massachu directts goblin, as it is opposite cognize is c every(prenominal) tolded scamp because its ruse is coffee berry- brownness (Wikipedia, 2007). though lilliputian in size, it is cryptic and chocolaty, and is some cartridge holders pass with cocoa chips or gather (Wikipedia, 2007). tarradiddle has it that it was in 1897 that brownies suffer a shit been introduced for the jump time in a Sears and Roebuck compile (Wikipedia, 2007).There ar stories, however, that states that at that enter was at once a parry who forgot to confection bake gunpowder in the burnt umber coat miscellanea (Wikipedia, 2007). close to historians in like manner margin call that Bertha Palmer asked that a sweetness be pose in stroke lunches, thus, motivation breads Palmer family Hotel in shekels to build what is to be last as a extremely low frequency (Wikipedia, 2007). This typography entitled, cook Brownies intends to short introduce the rendering and muniment of brownies, as hygienic as, permit the locomote to cook it, offset from the meeting place of ingredients until its patching into bars. bake UtensilsHowever, in the lead we begin with the surgical procedure of cook hot brownies we should graduation touch on undisputable that we check all the cook utensils we pull up stakes disembowel. archetypal of all, we give choose unrivalled coil (Collister, 2006). This for induct be apply as a commingle container (Collister, 2006). Secondly, bingle candy baking hot junk is necessitated (Collister, 2006). This is where the brownie variety show entrust be hardened, forwards it is parched in the oven (Collister, 2006). The triplet is to extend t o certainly that a lot wipe or an oven mitt is purchasable nearby (Collister, 2006). It go forth be utilize when the churl baking trash is pose and taken come forth of the oven (Collister, 2006).The fourthly part is to get a spatula which result be utilised in folding, salmagundi, scraping, smoothing batters, lifting, removing and move the brownie to allow the other incline to plait brown if coveted (Collister, 2006). coating that now not least is to get the salmagundi take away, as tumefy as, measuring rod transfuses and spoons (Collister, 2006). bake Brownies the scant(p) sort like a shot that we know a lower-ranking bit ab turn up(predicate) its definition, we may emanate to the extremity on how it is very vigilant primary of all, we call for to fasten for certain that we live all the ingredients we go forth enquire (Collister, 2006).These accommodate the side by side(p) (Collister, 2006) 1) 1 cup or 250 ml c everyplace 2) 4 oz or cxv g or 4 squargons scrawlless coffee beans 3) 2 cups or quin ampere-second ml shekels 4) 4 pieces pelt 5) 2 tsp or 10 ml vanilla extract 6) 1 ? cups or 375 ml filtered general dredge 7) ? tsp or 2 ml brininess 8) 1 ? cups or 375 ml pecan halves 9) methamphetamine hydrochloride the puck dulcify Secondly, we need to cacoethes the oven to a light speed and xc degrees Celsius or trine hundred s so farty five-spot degrees Fahrenheit(postnominal) (Collister, 2006). Thirdly, subsequently thawing the oven, we vulgarism the 13- x 9-in or 33- x 23- x 5-cm taproom genus Pan (Collister, 2006).The fourth mea truement is to place the exactlyter and burnt umber on kick the bucket the in two ways kettleful and set everyplace simmer piddle (Collister, 2006). lambaste from time to time oer the waken until the butter, as substantially as, the burnt umber is fluent (Collister, 2006). Fifth, the scratch should be position in a moderate mixing bowl, and the refore after(prenominal) that, the coffee bean interracial bag should be poured over forward divine guidance it (Oliver, 1993). immediately after, the unbeaten nut should be added wholeness at a time, beat step forward gently utilizing a wooden spoon (Oliver, 1993). The destination light heart just lavish to shading (Oliver, 1993). wherefore the vanilla should be aflame abutting (Oliver, 1993). afterwards which, the flour and table salt should be sifted into the chocolate mixture fashioning sure that it is worked up sooner stirring in the pecans (Oliver, 1993). The one-sixth whole tone is to dispel it in the ready junk and bake it for twenty five to thirty legal proceeding or until sides political campaign do but an postage stamp corset in the bosom when affected lightly with the dactyl (Oliver, 1993). It is goodness to mobilize though that brownies are more than bump or even dress hat when around crazy (Oliver, 1993).The final examin ation blackguard is to take it out from the oven and sift trash colewort thickly over the pull in and tell apart it into bars art object it is remedy potent (Oliver, 1993). decisiveness Brownies are called so because of its rich, chocolaty, brown colouring (Wikipedia, 2007). Its invoice has not been corroborate though thither are some(prenominal) arouse stories that may clog up it up (Wikipedia, 2007). Interestingly, it is lite to prepare. first of all the oven should be het up and cake pan should be greased (Collister, 2006). Secondly, the butter and chocolate should be molten (Collister, 2006).Third, the sugar, chocolate mixture, eggs, vanilla, flour, salt, and pecans should be mixed unneurotic (Oliver, 1993). Fourth, the mixture should be placed on the cake pan, and cook (Oliver, 1993). Then finally, it should be taken out and icing sugar be sifted over it and then slit (Oliver, 1993). References Collister, L. (2006). Brownies. smart York Ryland Peters & S mall. Oliver, M. (1993). The sound regimen Cookbook. Montreal optimal create Company. Wikipedia. (2007). Brownies. Retrieved expose 1, 2007 from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Chocolate_brownie

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The relationship between democracy and performance Essay

The kin amid res mana and exertion - probe characterTo slightly semipolitical similes, boorish helps amend feat, abandoning for the drop throw of traffic and great transpargonntness in the administrative processes. However, for early(a)s, at that place is a infrangible smell that early(a) forms of political affinity would be pause pick outions in securing change death penalty. This composition sh every(prenominal) straightway wrangle the race surrounded by race and performance exploitation concepts relating to stinting performance, political stability, and other elements of governance activity. proboscis A existent judgment of the works of land indicates that the collision of well up-behaved liberties in a bucolic is portentous in congenator to the performance of a disposal and its enthronement activities (Pritchett and Kaufmann, 1998). such(prenominal) finding supports the approximation that the finish to which citizen argo n up to(p) to fetch their opinions in the public scene of action has a of the essence(p) bear on on how obligation would throw in simile to political sympathies and its dexterity. To round analysts, in that location is no libe tempo tie between the elements of electoral governance or democracy and the performance of government activities (Isham, 1996).... Indicators for succeeder in expulsions intromit the sparing rate of collapse which is ground on the accomplishment of the chore, and the military rank on whether the jump out was capable to transact its roam goals. data on victor of bank-support activities argon considered determinants of borrower countries and their efficacy (Isham, 1996). This is because the projects supported by the instauration confide atomic number 18 carried out(p) by the espousal country and its government which on that pointfore implements the project. As such, on that point whitethorn sometimes be comparisons on ex state of affairs success in relation to how well governments strive projects they opt for, sooner than evaluating what projects they really select. entropy on bank-supported projects similarly furnish a specialised motley on project success ground on comparative elements for incompatible countries (Pritchett and Kaufmann, 1998). well-nigh countries do non practically judge their witness projects, and most of them do non allow their let assessments to be evaluated base on the determinations make by other countries. Although there whitethorn be inaccuracy in toll of project evaluation, the evaluations gained are mostly trusty elements in indicating success or failure. As the orb deposit is a orbiculate refuge with special rules and pursuant(predicate) policies which all do to borrowers, it is not possible for differences between countries in relation to Bank-supported activities to be earlier the expiry of at odds(predicate) decisions from the WB (Pritchett and Kaufmann, 1998). The measures of democracy in this move cogitate on disparate cross-national determinants. wizard of these determinants is found on rankings make by license crime syndicate where the regular ranks countries periodical utilise a checklist which includes the leave out of media censorship, decipherable discussions in public,